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Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Swap your fancy western superfoods with the healthier Indian variants today!

Swap your fancy western superfoods with the healthier Indian variants today!

Super foods are probably the most searched term by the health enthusiasts on the internet today! And as we search we come across the most exotic names like quinoa, acai berries, kale, and broccoli. Most of us may also go and count a big buck to get it on our health kit.But there are several Indian foods which are far healthier and easier on pockets than top listed international super foods. Akansha Jhalani, Nutrition Spokesperson form bon happetee asks you to consider swapping the western super foods with these Indian ones.

Olive oil with coconut oil
We forget our very own multi-purpose coconut oil while we are letting the Mediterranean olive oil dominate our food preparation. Researchers have found that coconut oil also helps boost brain functions. Fatty acids in coconut oil increase blood levels of ketones which supply energy to brain cells. Coconut oil also has antimicrobial properties which keep infections away, it converts bad cholesterol into good cholesterol, and it helps you lose weight. Also, it’s one the best moisturisers for your skin and hair.

Japnese Matcha with Indian Moringa
Over the past few years, matcha tea has become a global phenomenon. While widely popular as a Japanese product, this tea plant is native to China. You can instead switch to Moringa Oleifera, a fast growing tree native to north India. The leaves and pods of the tree have been traditionally used as herbal medicine in India to relieve symptoms of arthritis, epilepsy, diabetes, heart disease and kidney stones. Nutritional profile of Moringa is much stronger when compared with Matcha. Moringa has over ten times more fibre, 30 times more protein and 100 times more calcium than Matcha. Every part of the tree can be eaten, be it leaves, fruits, flowers or seeds.

American acai berry with Indian amla

Amlamurrabba was one the essentials our traditional kitchens had. Regular intake of Amla in any form helps to rejuvenate body and gives longevity. Amla is a powerful antioxidant which slows down your ageing process. It is an unrivalled source of vitamin C, and it is a great contributor in strengthening immunity. Amla has 20 times more vitamin C and twice the power of antioxidants as compared to its American acai berry. South American acai berry, is known for its anti-aging and weight loss properties. Acai berry has good antioxidants profile, but it is a fragile berry that can spoil too quickly to harvest for global usage and distribution. Eat these 10 super foods to cleanse your liver and lungs. 

Chinese goji berries Indian Jamun
Research suggests that goji berries can help you feel better and boost your health but goji berries are more expensive than other fruits. Jamun is cheaper and easily available. This local berry delivers a lot of health benefits as it helps relieve tiredness, controls blood sugar levels and helps build a stronger immunity.

Chinese Ginseng with ashwagandha
Ginseng is globally popular herbal medicine. Native Americans mainly use the root to relieve a headache and to treat infertility. Whereas, Indian have been traditionally using ashwagandha to strengthen the immune system after an illness.Its ability to enhance stamina and extraordinary stress relieving properties have made ashwagandha known as the strength of the stallion. Being local, ashwagandha costs one-third of ginseng and is safer to consume for an extended period without having any side effects.

Mexican chia seeds with Indian basil seeds
Chia seeds were initially grown in Mexico and were highly valued for their medicinal properties and nutritional value. Basil is native to India and has been cultivated here for more than 5000 years. Basil seeds hold a secure spot in Ayurveda. Basil seeds reportedly have antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, anticancer, antispasmodic, and antifungal properties. It helps to regulate blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. It is an excellent remedy to ease bloating, stomach cramps, and indigestion. Also, include these 4 Indian ancient grains in your diet. 

These foods are locally grown which makes them readily available, affordable and eliminates them from any form of processing and adulteration- the most logical reason to choose Indian super foods instead of going gaga over western super foods.The Indian super foods justify the law of vital few. They are much stronger than you think!

Image source: Shutterstock Images

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