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Monday, 28 August 2017

Easy hair porosity test you can do at home

Also, find out how you can help your hair retain moisture.

You must have heard your friends talking about hair porosity, and if you have been wondering what it is, we got the answer for you. Hair porosity is the ability of your hair to absorb moisture. Depending on your hair texture and condition, the cuticle layers could be open allowing a lot of moisture to enter. On the other hand, if the hair cuticle layer is closed, less moisture will be allowed to penetrate the layers. So low hair porosity would mean that your hair is less porous and resistant to moisture and high hair porosity would mean that your hair allows a lot of moisture. Hair and beauty expert Janet Fernandez tells you how you can check the porosity of your hair.
Hair porosity test
Just take a couple of hair strands and drop them in a bowl of water. Let the strands sit in the bowl for 3-4 minutes. If your hair sinks in water, it is highly porous. But if the strands float in water, your hair has a low porosity. Here are hair care tips for different hair types. 
Hair care tips for low porosity hair
If your hair has a low porosity, it does not mean that your hair is unhealthy. It only means that you need to assist your hair in attaining more moisture. A good hair mask, whether store bought or homemade when applied once a week can keep your hair moisturised. Just make sure you maintain the hair mask on for at least 15-20 minutes. Using a hair serum after hair wash can also help lock in moisture in the hair.
Hair care tips for high porosity hair
If your hair absorbs moisture easily, it can be prone to frizz. If your hair is highly porous, you need protein to fill in the gap. Use protein-rich conditioners to condition your hair. Try using this DIY avocado hair mask to manage dry and frizzy hair.
Image source: Shutterstock Images

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